Like some walking, talking, animated picture postcard, Blackpool announced their unexpected arrival in the Premier League in typical seaside style on Monday.

When the bus had finally made its way through the tangerine throng to Waterloo Headland, where the crowd had been watching a replay of Saturday's Championship Play-off final victory over Cardiff, the irrepressible Holloway did not need much encouragement to take the mic.
Waiting for quiet, he said: 'Where have you been all season? We have some season tickets for next year and we want to sell them all by tonight!'
Waiting for quiet, he said: 'Where have you been all season? We have some season tickets for next year and we want to sell them all by tonight!'
The emotional boss was determined to savour the moment after rewarding Blackpool's decision to offer him a route back into the game last summer folllowing his sacking at Leicester. 'What can I say?' he added. 'I want to thank you, not just for today - this is the most unbelievable moment of my life. 'I had a year out of football and had to think about what went wrong in my life. I was given some decent values from my mum and dad in our council house and one of them was honesty and trust and loyalty, and I forgot to do all that at Plymouth. I left them and I made the biggest mistake of my life. But I ended up here and it was the best thing I have ever done.
'What I managed to do was jump on the best ride I have ever been on in my life. I don't want it to end, because these lads behind me, no matter how much we were knocked down, they get back up and now we're playing in the Premier League.
'I want to thank the owners for putting me back in work. All I wanted to do was get an environment where someone can work and feel needed and I thank every one of my staff for just that. When I turned up they all thought I was going to sack them, but no chance.' (Daily Mail)